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Craft & Chocolate Affaire 23rd in NAMPA, ID

Date 11/01/2024 to 11/02/2024
City/State NAMPA, ID
Promoter Nampa Civic Center
Event Name Craft & Chocolate Affaire 23rd
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Event Location Nampa Civic Center, 311 3rd St. S.
Craftmaster Codes $115-$340,8X6,A,AC,FA,CL,DB,DM,F,JY,CMR
3500 ATTN,PWR $10,TR $8,DNR,IS
120 BTHS,DL 10/18 ,F 5-9,Sa 10-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Come join us at the Nampa Civic Center for this 23rd Annual event. Do your holiday shopping and find that special and unique gift from one of our many vendors. We cater specifically to chocolate lovers as well as those who love to attend bazaars.

Event Hours: Fri 5pm-10pm, Sat 11am-4pm
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