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Hood River Valley Harvest Fest 40th in HOOD RIVER, OR

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 10/11/2024 to 10/13/2024
Promoter Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Hood River Valley Harvest Fest 40th
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Event Location Hood River Event Site, Exit 63 off I-84
Craftmaster Codes $300-400,10X10+,ACO,FAO,CL,DB,DM,E,F,JY
23,000 ATTN,IS,OS,INS,JU,K,NR,NS,$6 Adm
100-125 BTHS,F 1-6,S 10-7,Su 10-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Hood River Valley Harvest Fest takes place outdoors in large event tents on the Hood River Waterfront overlooking the Columbia River.

Each year, more than 25,000 people wind their way through a bounty of festivities, including:
Freshly harvested fruits and vegetables from the world-class orchards and farms of the Hood River Valley;
over 100 arts and crafts vendors displaying their hand-crafted merchandise just in time for the holiday season; a kids' zone for all sorts of family fun -- including face painters, kiddie band, balloon twisters and more; a food court with menus from around the world, along with all the traditional festival favorites;
and a live entertainment tent with beer and wine offerings and lively musicians playing throughout the entire weekend.

Get a jump on your holiday shopping! Lots of free parking, good bus access. At the Hood River Event Site, exit 63 off I-84.

Hours are 1-6pm Friday, 10am-6pm Saturday, 10am-5pm Sunday.
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