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Wings over Willcox in WILLCOX, AZ

Date 01/18/2025 to 01/20/2025
City/State WILLCOX, AZ
Promoter Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Wings over Willcox
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Willcox Community Center, 312 W Stewart St.
Craftmaster Codes $75+$25,8X8,AC,FA,CL,F,JY
1,000+ ATTN,PWR $10,TR $5,IS,OS,SASE
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Wings Over Willcox venue has 24 booths available to vendors and merchants. The booth spaces are located within the Willcox Community Center, the hub for all the tours and seminars, and are easily visited by all festival participants. The booth spaces are occupied by a variety of merchants as well as agencies, organizations, and educational displays.

The booth spaces range from 60 to 70 square feet in size. A map which shows the size and location of the booth spaces is provided with the application form. Booth space selection is on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to partners of the WOW festival. A limited number of tables are available upon request in advance for a fee. A maximum of two tables are allowed per booth. Chairs are available upon request.
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