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Four Corners Music Festival in PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO

Date 09/04/2020 to 09/06/2020
Promoter FolkWest
Event Name Four Corners Music Festival
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Reservoir Hill Park
Craftmaster Codes $375+10;F-$550,10X10,AC,CL,F,JY,CMR
12,000 ATTN,1+ PH,CLR,OS,OCS
20 BTHS,F 3pm-dusk,Sa/Su 11am-dusk
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info All vendors are required to set up their booths on Wednesday, September 2 between the hours of 3 PM and 8 PM or Thursday, September 3 from 9 AM to 5 PM. Hours of operation are Friday, September 4 from 3 PM to dusk; Saturday, September 5 from 11:00 AM to dusk and Sunday, September 6 from 11:00 AM to dusk. You MAY vend outside of these hours, but electricity is not available for merchandise vendors and generators are not allowed.

Full information and rules can be found on page two of the downloadable applications when ready.

Food vendors are highly encouraged to stay open during the late night stage performances on Friday and Saturday nights, which are located close to the food court area.
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