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Festival of Nations in ST LOUIS, MO

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 08/22/2020 to 08/23/2020
City/State ST LOUIS, MO
Promoter Internt'l Institute of Metro St Louis
Event Name Festival of Nations
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Tower Grove Park, 2710 S. Grand Blvd
Craftmaster Codes $200,$2,500+-CMR,AC,CL,JY,F
140,000 ATTN,OS,TH:Cultural/Ethnic
100+ BTHS,Free Adm,10-7,10-6
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Each year, Festival of Nations booth vendors sell delicious ethnic food and traditional ethnic gifts to thousands of festival goers. More than 100 food, gift and information booths are available to non-profit organizations and immigrant small business owners.

Since Festival of Nations celebrates the many cultures of the world in St. Louis, we accept only food and gift booth vendors who meet our participation criteria. Please do not apply if you cannot meet the following qualifications: Only one culture/ethnicity can be represented in each booth, e.g., Colombian, Ecuadoran, or Chilean – not South American, Asian, or World.

All merchandise or food being sold in a booth must represent the ethnicity being presented; merchandise must be made in the corresponding country, e.g., Chinese fans made in China or Taiwan, not made in Sri Lanka. Examples of mass-produced items that are prohibited include Barbie dolls in traditional costumes, T-shirts of any kind, and knives, swords and other potentially dangerous toys.

Booths can only be rented by ethnic organizations or businesses (generally immigrant-owned or operated); ethnic organizations that meet certain eligibility criteria can apply for a rental discount.

A majority of the booth workers-at all times-must be of the ethnicity represented, e.g., 50% of workers in a Chinese food booth must be of Chinese heritage.
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