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Spokane Herbal Faire 7th in SPOKANE, WA

Date 06/24/2023 to 06/25/2023
City/State SPOKANE, WA
Promoter Four Seasons Herbal Guild
Event Name Spokane Herbal Faire 7th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location West Central Abbey, 1832 E. Dean Ave
Craftmaster Codes $25-$50+10%,Table-7X4-10X10
ACO,FAO,OS,TH:Natural Living,Herbs
$3 ADM,10am-4pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info We are looking for herbalists, teachers, doctors, health & wellness practitioners, farmers,
artists and other creative folk, to participate and make this event great! Please consider
becoming a part of our community.
This faire is non profit, and we seek to keep our cost low. We need help with the setting up
and the breaking down, the space. We ask every vendor to choose to help either before, or
after the faire. Those who have a booth that is slow to break down are asked to help with
set up. We thank you for your integrity in this combined effort, it allows the faire to unfurl in
the spirit of teamwork.
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