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Fall City Day Street Fair 50th in FALL CITY, WA

Date 06/10/2023
City/State FALL CITY, WA
Promoter Fall City Days Comm.
Event Name Fall City Day Street Fair 50th
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Event Location Hwy 202, Redmond/Fall City Road
Craftmaster Codes $100,10X15,AC,CL,DB,DM,E,F,JY,CMR
4,000 ATTN,PWR $20,FRC,DL 5/31
120 BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 9am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The largest family-friendly Fall City event of the year. The event will include a pancake breakfast, kiddie parade, main parade, family entertainment, watermelon eating contest, ducky derby, live music, and arts and craft booths. It is an annual event that started in 1971. Event Proceeds benefit the Snoqualmie Valley Schools.
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