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West Cliff Outdoor Christmas Market in SANTA CRUZ, CA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 12/14/2024
Promoter Brothers Promotions
Event Name West Cliff Outdoor Christmas Market
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Event Location Santa Cruz Light House, Parking lot & Surfers Lot
Craftmaster Codes $150,10X10+,ACO,FAO,CL,JY
5,000 ATTN,OS
40 BTHS,FREE ADM,10am-6pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Enjoy this outdoor market with unique artisans and food trucks while taking in the spectacular view of the ocean. This one of a kind market will be held in two parking lots along West Cliff drive and is always a popular spot for locals and tourists as it over looks the famous Steamers Lane surf spot.

Come enjoy our outdoor market with unique artisans and food trucks while taking in the spectacular view of the ocean. This one of a kind market will be held in two parking lots along West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz. This is always a popular spot for locals and tourists, as it over looks the famous Steamers Lane surf spot . The market will feature hand crafted gifts and admission is FREE!
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