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Summer Fest in HAYDEN, ID

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 06/22/2024
City/State HAYDEN, ID
Promoter New Leaf Nursery
Event Name Summer Fest
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Event Location New Leaf Nursery, 12655 N. Government Way
Craftmaster Codes $25,ACO,FAO,CL,JY,F
2,000 ATTN,OS
FREE ADM,9am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Our Annual New Leaf Summer Festival makes an early return in 2024. With the extreme hot weather moving into the region over the past few years in July, it made sense to welcome Summer in on the 22nd! Our favorite local band, LakeTown Sound will again rock the house. They have a new look and a new vibe, so better bring your dancing shoes! Lots of food and drink are on tap for the event and some of your favorite vendors will also be there with their beautiful wares. The nursery will be brimming with color and great garden décor, along with beautiful summer home décor elements in the barn! Seed reward members will earn DOUBLE REWARDS POINTS on all nursery purchases made that day! Stay tuned for more details as we move closer to the event!
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