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Art Show 54th in STUDIO CITY, CA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 05/11/2024 to 05/12/2024
Promoter Rotary Club of Studio City-Sherman Oaks
Event Name Art Show 54th
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Event Location Moorpark Park, 12061 Moorpark St.
Craftmaster Codes $395+,12X20,A,ACO,FAO,CL,F,JY
1000+ ATTN,5+1 PH,CLR,OS,INS,JU $25
100 BTHS,DL 4/27,FREE ADM,Sa/Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Since 1970 the Rotary Club of Studio City-Sherman Oaks has hosted this bi-annual art show in May, over Mother's Day weekend, and the second weekend in October.
Thus, for over 45 years, the show has gained iconic community status and is anticipated by artists and art lovers alike.

This show features fine artisanal art and crafts including painting, ceramics, photography, sculpture, mixed media, textiles, woodworking, metal sculpting, printmaking, furniture and jewelry. All art is original artwork created by the artist representing their work. All artisanal crafts are handmade by the artist representing the crafts. Artists are selected based on the quality and uniqueness of their artwork and on the quality of their display and presentation.

Our goal is to feature a diverse group of artists and limit artists in any given category in order to ensure the best environment for sales for all artists and a diverse selection for attendees.

Every year, numerous charity organizations benefit from the funds raised by the of the Rotary Club volunteer members. The ultimate beneficiaries of these events are people "in need"
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