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Art In The Park Festival in RICHLAND, WA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 07/26/2024 to 07/24/2024
Promoter Allied Arts Association
Event Name Art In The Park Festival
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Howard Amon Park
Craftmaster Codes $130+16%,15X15,A,ACO,FAO,E,F,JY
30,000 ATTN,CRQ,OS,JU $35,6+1PH,PWR
220+ BTHS,DL 5/5,FREE ADM,8am-6pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info This open-air festival, held on Boat Race Weekend, provides visitors of all ages and interests with the opportunity to meet more than 200 artists and purchase their works. During the two-day event, Allied Arts Association presents a variety of contemporary arts and crafts along with an exceptional array of live entertainment, park performances, wonderful food and more.

Product must be original work designed, handmade and executed within the last two years by the applying artist. No re-sales of any kind allowed. No commercial reproductions, imitations, manufactured items or imports.

Work done from commercial kits, sewing patterns, graphics or copies will not be accepted. Every artist must apply and be juried in, even if sharing a booth. If two artists work together to create ONE product, only one artist must apply.
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