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Medieval Fair in NORMAN, OK

Date 04/04/2025 to 04/06/2025
City/State NORMAN, OK
Promoter Ann Marie Eckart
Event Name Medieval Fair
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Reaves Park, 2501 S. Jenkins Ave
Craftmaster Codes $225+,12X12+,AC,FA,E,F,JY,PWR $200,CRQ
150,000 ATTN,CR $275,5 PH,TR $15,OS
200+ BTHS,INS,JU,NR,FREE ADM,10am-7pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info THEME: Medieval

10am-7pm All Three Days
Liability insurance is required of ALL vendors.
Smoking is not permitted at the park
Artists- we are a juried craft show. Please consider applying if your work meets the following criteria.
Handcrafted items or art
Quality of workmanship
Inclusion of a European Medieval theme
No manufactured, commercially produced, flea market or imported items unless the Jury rules them to have special relevance to the European Middle Ages.
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