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Winter Park Art Festival in WINTER PARK, CO

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 09/07/2024 to 09/08/2024
Promoter Colorado Events
Event Name Winter Park Art Festival
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Event Location Cooper Creek Square, 47 Cooper Creek Way
Craftmaster Codes $165-$290,10X10,ACO,FAO,JY,F,E,
FREE ADM,Sa 11-7,Su 11-6
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Winter Park Art Festival is an annual juried art and craft show featuring an amazing array of original artwork and
handcrafted goods. This free two-day event will be showcasing local and national artists representing a variety of mediums
including paintings, sculptures, photography, ceramics, glass, wood, and more. Taking place in one of Colorado most popular
mountain locations. Winter Park is a year round destination that is full of family friendly activities, scenic areas, and outdoor
This is a fabulous opportunity to exhibit your work to a large number of interested buyers. Winter Park is a top destination in
Colorado that has a very affluent population and offers a wonderful selection of unique retail shops, luxury residences, and world
class dining. At only an hour and a half’s drive from Denver, it’s an easy destination to reach for visitors. This premier location
makes the perfect backdrop for this celebration of art, craft, live music, and community fun. There will also be drinks and
cocktails available to attendees of the event and live music on both days. This is one of the only art festivals happening in the
area this year.
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