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Christmas Market & Gift Show 31st+ in WAXAHACHIE, TX

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 12/06/2024 to 12/07/2024
Promoter Waxahachie Jr. Service League
Event Name Christmas Market & Gift Show 31st+
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Event Location Waxahachie Civic Center, 2000 Civic Center Lane
Craftmaster Codes $175,10x10,AC,CL,F,JY,CMR
3,000 ATTN,PWR,TR,IS,DL 8/1
100+ BTHS,$8 ADM,F 9-2,Sa 9-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The WJSL Christmas Market is a philanthropic project that the Waxahachie Junior Service League has sponsored for many years. It is an anticipated event from Christmas shoppers throughout the area and this event provides over 100 unique merchants! Requests for specific booth spaces will be considered on a first come first serve basis. Each merchant is allowed two workers per booth. All others will need to pay the $8.00 admission charge. We look forward to bringing the best possible merchandise to our annual Christmas Market once again and making this a successful event for all.
The Preview ShoppingParty held Friday will allow our guests to enjoy early shopping along with cocktails, appetizers, a silent auction, raffle baskets, and allow for re-admittance to the market on Saturday. Booths must be set-up by 5:30 p.m and we ask that you do not tear down your booth until 5:00 pm Saturday.
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