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Los Angeles Korean Festival 51st in LOS ANGELES, CA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 09/26/2024 to 09/29/2024
Promoter LA Korean Festival Foundation
Event Name Los Angeles Korean Festival 51st
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Event Location Seoul International Park, 3250 San Marino St.
Craftmaster Codes $2800+,10X10+,A,AC,FA,CL,DB,DM,E,F,JY
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info In 1974, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation was founded by the leaders of the early Korean-American community with the purpose of preserving their Korean roots after immigrating to the United States. In the great city of Los Angeles, where many diverse cultures co-exist, the Los Angeles Korean Festival Foundation is considered one of the major advocates of furthering the knowledge of Korean culture and its traditions. The LAKF Foundation works year-round in organizing the four-day festival to carry out the mission of providing the community with a festival that is an instrument of inclusivity and an advocate of cultural diversity awareness, providing not only the Korean cultural heritage but also bringing together the numerous ethnic groups residing in Los Angeles.

The annual festival has evolved beyond what the founders could have imagined. The Los Angeles Korean Festival continues to provide fun and exciting experiences, through its great entertainment, food vendors, a mile long parade and promotional exhibits from many different industries. One of the greatest additions is the Korean Premium Products Expo. Attendees that come from all over the United States, can readily acquire goods that were once difficult to come by.

You are all invited, free in admission for all four days. Come, join us, and let’s celebrate together!
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