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Spring Craft Faire in FAIR OAKS, CA

Date 03/08/2024 to 03/09/2024
City/State FAIR OAKS, CA
Promoter Crafty Treasures
Event Name Spring Craft Faire
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Event Location VFW Post 6158, 8990 Kruitof Way
Craftmaster Codes $65/10%,ACO,FAO,JY
IS,JU,4-5 PH,PWR,CVR-Boutique Style
F 11-6,Sa 11-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info We hold several craft faires throughout the year in the Sacramento region. We offer all handmade items in a boutique style environment. In order to make things easier on our customers, and vendors, we use a centralized check out system.

All of our items are handmade by local crafters. You may see ceramics, wood, fabric creations, florals, bath products, cards, jewelry, and holiday items. You will find a different mix of crafters and merchandise at each show. Many of our shows also include a Sale Room containing craft supplies and fabric plus marked down craft items.
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