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Gold Rush Main Street Faire 32nd in MURPHYS, CA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 10/05/2024
City/State MURPHYS, CA
Promoter Feeney Park Foundatiton
Event Name Gold Rush Main Street Faire 32nd
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Event Location Main Street Murphys
Craftmaster Codes $125,12X10,A,ACO,FAO,E,JY
75 BTHS,FREE ADM,10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Historic downtown Murphys will once again close its Main Street for the Annual Murphys Gold Rush Street Faire. The charm and longevity of this unique Gold Rush town lends itself as a perfect backdrop to a festive, colorful, and successful Faire. Murphys is a small Sierra foothill town located in Calaveras County on Highway 4 between Angels Camp and Arnold.

Although we are a small community, every event we have here draws crowds from as far away as the San Francisco Bay Area, Reno, and the length of the San Joaquin Valley. We have extensive advertising and press releases in cooperation with the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance Grape Stomp competition as well as the Calaveras Visitors Bureau. The fun of the Grape Stomp and the multitude of shops and restaurants keeps people in town all day.
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