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Texas Craft Fair 1st in LIVINGSTON, TX

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 05/24/2024 to 05/25/2024
Promoter Texas Craft Fair
Event Name Texas Craft Fair 1st
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location 3300 Hwy 190 West
Craftmaster Codes $20,10X10,AC,FA,CL,E,F,JY
40 BTHS,FREE ADM,F 5-9,Sa 10-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Texas Craft Fair is every single weekend. Now running Fridays 5pm to 9pm and Saturdays 10 am to 4pm.We also have Moonlight Bazaar which is a holistic market Saturday nights and Sundays. Every second and 4th weekends are garage sale weekends and no application needed. All other weekends are handmade only and must apply to be on the list. Spaces are 10×20 , electric if needed. $20 due day of event at end of event.

We also have Moonlight Bazaar which is a holistic market Saturday nights and Sundays. More information can be found on our website
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