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Art & Craft Show for Animal Rescue 15th in SEDONA, AZ

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 03/01/2024 to 03/03/2024
City/State SEDONA, AZ
Promoter Red Rose Inspiration for Animals Inc
Event Name Art & Craft Show for Animal Rescue 15th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Stagecoach Country Roadhouse, 1405 W. Hwy 89A
Craftmaster Codes $250-$345,10X10,$495 10X20,ACO,FAO,DB,E
35-45 BTHS,NS,FREE ADM,10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Red Rose Inspiration for Animals, Inc. is a non profit 501c3 that proceeds from the event go to animal rescue. The booth space paid for by the vendors is the proceeds for Red Rose. Vendors keep their sales.

Highly visible location on 89 A in West Sedona at the Olde Sedona Bar and Grill. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE VILLAGE OF OAK CREEK (which is not considered Sedona) Not affiliated with any other shows or promoters Advertising is plentiful with web promotion, direct marketing and radio broadcasting and more. Affordable to artists. Events are planned during high tourist season.
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