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It's Not Your Grandma's Craft Fair in SPOKANE, WA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 08/24/2024
City/State SPOKANE, WA
Promoter The Guardian Spokane
Event Name It's Not Your Grandma's Craft Fair
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Event Location 1403 N Washington
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Additional Info It's Not Your Grandma's Craft Fair Summer Event

Save the date, Saturday August 24th for our Summer craft fair at the Guardian!
Our Craft fairs have been so much fun that we are so excited to have another summer edition to It’s not your Grandma’s craft fair! Whimsical wonders, macabre marvels, carefully curated vintage oddities and the wonderfully weird collectibles, it’s not your Grandma’s craft fair likes all things a bit weird, including you! Admission is free so come check out all the unique one of a kind vendors and fun performances throughout the day.
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