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Age of Chivalry Renaissance Fair in LAS VEGAS, NV

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 10/11/2024 to 10/13/2024
City/State LAS VEGAS, NV
Promoter Parks & Recreation Dept.
Event Name Age of Chivalry Renaissance Fair
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Sunset Park, 2601 E Sunset Rd
Craftmaster Codes $750,10X10+,ACO,FAO,CL,E,F,JY
30,000 ATTN,1+ PH,PWR $100,OS,INS,JU,NS
100 BTHS,OCS,$30 ADM,F/Sa 10-10,Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Over 100 artisans and craftsmen from throughout the United States and Canada will demonstrate and sell their wares. Included in this year's festival are: gold and silver smiths, stained glass designers, costume makers, wood workers, toy makers, leather workers, perfume blenders, potters, sword, dagger and armor makers and many other vendors with unusual hand crafted treasures. Vendors will also be selling authentic period foods including turkey legs and shepherd's pie or a full English Feast. English beers and ales will also be available for adults with I.D.

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