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Spring Big One Art & Craft Fair 34th in MINOT, ND

Date 04/11/2025 to 04/12/2025
City/State MINOT, ND
Promoter Stacy & Lisa Frank
Event Name Spring Big One Art & Craft Fair 34th
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Event Location 2005 E. Burdick Expressway
Craftmaster Codes $160-$180,10X10,ACO,FAO,F
6000 ATTN,3+ PH,PWR $15,TR $10,IS,JU
170 BTHS,$5 ADM,F 10-8,Sa 9-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The 33rd annual Spring Show will be held on April 12th & 13th, 2024. It'll include over 250 booths showcasing products hand made from across the US. Over 170 exhibitors will fill their booths with arts, crafts and baked goods that all have a touch of being hand made. Hours: Fri 10am-8pm and Sat 9am-5pm.
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