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Festival of the Arts 59th in OKLAHOMA CITY, OK

Date 04/24/2025 to 04/27/2025
Promoter Arts Council of Oklahoma City
Event Name Festival of the Arts 59th
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Event Location Bicentennial Park
Craftmaster Codes $150+20%,16X16,FAO,CL,F,JY,DL 9/28
525,000 ATTN,5+1 PH,PWR,DR,OS,JU $25
108 BTHS,FREE ADM,11-9,11-10,11-10,10-7
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Arts Council Oklahoma City's Flagship Event, the Festival of the Arts is now in its 58th year. Festival of the Arts is a fundraiser for Arts Council Oklahoma City's Programs & Initiatives and the mission statement of "Bringing the Arts & Community Together."

This fine art show draws over 525,000 visitors annually and averages $1.83 million in art sales.

Festival of the Arts also features two performing arts stages, international cuisine, extensive children's programming, and hands-on activities for art lovers of all ages.

Bicentennial Park, located in the heart of downtown Oklahoma City, is home to Festival of the Arts. Also encompassed in the event is the historic Civic Center Music Hall.

Participating artists rave about the "Oklahoma Standard" – the most service-oriented volunteer corps anywhere, with experienced professional staff, 24-hour security, Festival-owned exhibit space, and friendly, art-enthusiastic crowds. The festival weekend coincides with the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon drawing even more regional and national attendees! (Zapplicaton)
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