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Arts For All Festival 50th+ in LAWTON, OK

Date 05/09/2025 to 05/11/2025
City/State LAWTON, OK
Promoter Arts For All
Event Name Arts For All Festival 50th+
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Event Location Shepler Park
Craftmaster Codes $250,10X10,FAO,CL,F,JY,DL 2/27
25,000 ATTN,4+ PH,DR,OS,JU $25,CR
90 BTHS,NS,FREE ADM,4-8,10-8,11-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Celebrating our 50th year, the Arts for All Festival has been Southwest Oklahoma's largest and most popular cultural outdoor event, drawing people from Oklahoma and Texas for a weekend filled with art, entertainment, and tantalizing foods. The festival is timed to be such that artists are in the late Spring cycle of festivals. We hope that this will encourage you to participate since we are in the midst of area festivals without conflicting. The festival is a cooperative effort of businesses, civic organizations, and hundreds of volunteers who support and encourage the arts. All profits are contributed to the participating arts organization of Arts for All Inc.
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