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Snowflake Boutique 48th in REDMOND, OR

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 11/01/2024 to 11/02/2024
City/State REDMOND, OR
Promoter Snowflake Boutique
Event Name Snowflake Boutique 48th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
Phone# (On file for subscribers)
FAX/Other# (On file for subscribers)
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Website (On file for subscribers)
Event Location Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center
Craftmaster Codes $70 + 20%,CONSIGNMENT SHOW,ACO,FAO,F,JY
90 BTHS,DL 10/21,$4 ADM,F 1-8,Sa,9-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info This is the48th year for the Snowflake Boutique. The show is a consignment show with quality handmade items. All vendors are required to come to juries for acceptance of items. Only need to bring a representative sample of items for the jury. Items are not displayed by booth and vendors are not on the show floor unless they have food products and would like to provide samples. The show is set up the same as a store/boutique. Customers shop as any normal store and pay before they leave. The sales are calculated after the show and a check less the 20% commission is mailed to the vendor within two weeks of the show. Security is provided throughout the show. Please review our website for any additional information.
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