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Texas VegFest 10th in AUSTIN, TX

Date 04/05/2025
City/State AUSTIN, TX
Promoter Texas Veg Foundation
Event Name Texas VegFest 10th
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Event Location Fiesta Gardens, 2101 Jesse East Segovia St.
Craftmaster Codes $450,10X10,AC,FA,CL,E,F,JY,CMR,DL 3/15
5000 ATTN,CR $175,PWR $50,TR $10,CP,OS
100 BTHS,INS,TP,FREE ADM,Sa 11am-6pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The annual Texas VegFest is set for Saturday April 5th, 2025 at Fiesta Gardens in Austin, Texas! Texas VegFest offers educational lectures, cooking demos, youth activities, amazing food, live music, and more, all for FREE!

Mark your calendars for our 10th Year Celebration! Our team is looking for all levels of participants. From sponsors to volunteers, nonprofits, speakers, vendors, and interactive booths, there are a ton of ways to help us reach our mission. To get more details or to sign up to participate, go to our website, or email us.
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