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St. Patrick's Day Celebration 41st in DUBLIN, CA

Date 03/15/2025 to 03/16/2025
City/State DUBLIN, CA
Promoter Williams Ltd.
Event Name St. Patrick's Day Celebration 41st
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Event Location Dublin Civic Center
Craftmaster Codes $295+10%,10X10+,ACO,FAO,CL,DB,F,JY
80,000 ATTN,2 PH,OS,NS,PWR $50
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info IThe City of Dublin goes all out for St. Patrick’s Day every year! This two day Festival is located in the heart of Dublin at the Dublin Civic Center. They welcome an estimate of 80,000 visitors from all over the world to celebrate and enjoy Irish entertainment, authentic Irish food and beverages, carnival rides, as well as over 150 art & craft vendors! If that isn't enough, other events around the City add to the weekend’s festivities! The Alameda County Firefighters Local 55 hosts an annual pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, followed by the Dublin Lions Club Parade, and Sunday morning is the annual Shamrock 5K Fun Run and Walk.
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