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TinyFest in DEL MAR, CA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 03/08/2025 to 03/09/2025
City/State DEL MAR, CA
Promoter Renee Seevers
Event Name TinyFest
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Event Location Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Craftmaster Codes $375+3%,10X15,AC,FA,CL,JY,CMR
13,000 ATTN,CR $80,PWR $115,TR $15,IS
OS,INS,$20 ADM,10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info TinyFest features tiny homes of all styles - tiny house on wheels, van & bus conversions, ADUs, adventure rigs, box trucks and there are always a few other unique structures to check out at the events too!

TinyFest also features 2 stages with speakers and panel discussions, including information about solar, van design, where to park when traveling and so much more. There are vendor booths, live music and entertainment too.

Whether attendees are interested in a tiny home for rental income, their primary residence or just to peek at the popular little houses, they are interested in a variety of quality products and services:
Unique items for themselves and their homes! (big and small)
Eco-friendly / sustainable
Outdoor living
Home improvement
And much much MORE!!
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